Bombus ternarius
Bombus ternarius (Tri-colored bumble bee)
No information at this time.
Both males and females have a black band extending between the wing bases but on a female, the black also extends back in a "thumbtack" shape. Both have one yellow abdominal segment followed by two orange segments and an additional yellow segment. The remaining abdominal segments are black. There are black hairs on the face and top of the head. Cheek is slightly shorter than wide.
Nest Structure
No information at this time.
Activity Period
No information at this time.
Commonly Used Flower
Asclepias, Claytonia, Eupatorium, Rubus, Solidago, Taraxacum, Vaccinium
Conservation Status
IUCN species of least conern
Williams, P., Thorp, R., Richardson, L., & Colla, S. (2014). Bumble bees of North America : An identification guide. Princeton: Princeton University Press.