Bombus sandersoni
Bombus sandersoni (Sanderson's bumble bee)
No information at this time.
Bombus sandersoni can be easily confused with Bombus vagans due to their similar color patterns. Both may be called "two stripe bumble bees" as the first two abdominal segments are yellow and the rest of the abdomen is black. The face of B. sandersoni is not as long as that of B. vagans so if taking photos, it is helpful to include a view of the front.
Nest Structure
May often be found underground, in or near wooded areas.
Activity Period
No information at this time.
Commonly Used Flower
Epilobium, Malus, Penstemon, Rhododendron, Rubus, Cimifuga, Kalmia, Lonicera, Lyonia, Melilotus, Monarda, Vaccinium
Conservation Status
IUCN species of least concern.
Mitchell, T. B. 1962. Bees of the Eastern United States. Vol. II. North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Bulletin 152: 1-557. Williams, P., Thorp, R., Richardson, L., & Colla, S. (2014). Bumble bees of North America : An identification guide. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
B.sandersoni female ID graphic (Courtesy of Elaine Evans)
B.sandersoni male ID graphic (Courtesy of Elaine Evans)