A bee visits a flower, representing Minnesota’s wild bees and the volunteer photos submitted as part of this project

What is the Minnesota Bee Atlas? 

The Minnesota Bee Atlas is a research project that relies on volunteers to learn more about the distribution and diversity of Minnesota's 500+ bee species. Get to know Minnesota bees with our new Species Guide.

Volunteers have submitted photos of bees to iNaturalist, adopted bumble bee survey routes, and monitored nesting blocks for stem nesting bees. The project started in 2016 and phase 1 was completed in 2020. Phase 2 began in 2021 and is finishing in June 2024. Learn more here

Volunteer log in: Click here to submit data and view your results. 

A photo of a fuzzy wild bee on a coneflower submitted by a volunteer

Photo courtesy of Bee Atlas volunteer Don Leaon


Volunteers are integral to the project. You can contribute! (you don’t have to be a bee expert). Current and related opportunities include:

Minnesota Bee Atlas

Locations and types of bee sampling across the four ecological sections of Minnesota, a state in northern USA, North America


Volunteers have documented over 50,000 bees in Minnesota since the project started in 2016. Check out our results here.

Loon logo of the Environment and Natural Resources Trust fund

Funding for this project is provided by the Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund as recommended by the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR).

bee, bees, solitary bees, nests, nesting, cavity nesting, volunteer, community science, participatory science, citizen science, science, bee atlas, plants, pollinators, UMN Bee Lab, UMN Extension,