Two striped group

Bombus vagans/sandersoni/perplexus 

These three species are often grouped together due to their similar characteristics. 


No information at this time.


If an observation you submitted was classified as a two striped bumble bee, it means we are unable to determine the species but that it belongs to a small group including B. vagans, B. sandersoni, and B. perplexus. The first two abdominal segments are yellow and the rest of the abdomen will be black, giving the general name "two striped bumble bee." Although there are subtle characteristics that differentiate these three species, they are often difficult to see in photographs.

Nest Structure

No information at this time.

Activity Period

No information at this time.

Commonly Used Flower

No information at this time.

Conservation Status

No information at this time.


No information at this time.