Trypoxylon sp. (figulus group)

Trypoxylon sp. (figulus group) (Spider wasps)


The Trypoxylon figulus group of wasps belongs to the family Crabronidae within the order Hymenoptera. Taxonomically, these wasps are classified under the genus Trypoxylon, which is known for its solitary nesting behavior and diverse species worldwide. Within the Trypoxylon figulus group, species are distinguished based on morphological characteristics such as body size, coloration, and specific structural features like the shape of the mandibles and antennae. The Trypoxylon figulus group of wasps typically includes several closely related species within the genus Trypoxylon. Taxonomic groupings like this can sometimes vary slightly based on the latest research and taxonomic revisions. There are probably ~3 species of wasps included in the Trypoxylon figulus group of wasps found in the MN Bee Atlas bee blocks.


Wasps in the group Trypoxylon figulus range in size from 7-12mm of length depending on which species and sex is represented. Trypoxylon wasps have unique features that distinguish them from other wasps.They have a long, slender abdomen that ends in a distinctly blunt, club-shaped tip. Their forewings have only one submarginal cell. Additionally, their compound eyes have a noticeable notch in the middle of the inner margin. Trypoxylon figulus group wasps are usually fully black, but some may have slight light-colored or yellow markings.

Nest Structure

Trypoxylon figulus, a solitary wasp species, exhibits similar nesting habits to other solitary wasps found in the MN Bee Atlas Bee Blocks. Females of Trypoxylon figulus construct their nests primarily in pre-existing cavities such as abandoned beetle tunnels or hollow plant stems. Each cell contains provisions of paralyzed caterpillars or moth larvae, which serve as food for the developing wasp larvae. The female seals each cell with mud after laying a single egg inside.

Hole Sizes

No information at this time.


Wasps in the group Trypoxylon figulus are univoltine, meaning they typically have one generation per


Activity Period

No information at this time.


BugGuide. (n.d.). Genus Trypoxylon - Square-headed Wasps. Available from: Accessed June 26, 2024.

Sandhouse, G. A. 1940. A review of the Nearctic wasps of the genus Trypoxylon (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae). Am. Midl. Nat. 24(1): 133-176.