Bombus flavidus

Bombus flavidus (Fernald cuckoo bee)

Also known as Bombus fernalde


No information at this time.


No information at this time.

Nest Structure

Bombus flavidus is a nest parasite, meaning that instead of building its own nest, it will enter the nest of another bumble bee species and lay its eggs there for the host bumble bee workers to care for.

Activity Period

No information at this time.

Commonly Used Flower

Cirsium, Heliomeris, Lelilotus, Senecio

Conservation Status

Bombus flavidus is listed as data deficient by the IUCN.


No information at this time.

B. flavidus female ID graphic (Courtesy of Elaine Evans)

B. flavidus male ID graphic (Courtesy of Elaine Evans