Bombus citrinus

Bombus citrinus (Lemon cuckoo bumble bee)


No information at this time.


Bombus citrinus is a medium-sized bumble bee with a short tongue and round head. The cheek or malar space is shorter than wide. As nest parasites, females lack "pollen baskets" or corbiculae on their hindmost legs and their abdomens tend to have less hair than pollen-collecting bumble bees.

Nest Structure

Bombus citrinus is a nest parasite. Instead of building their own nests, females lay their eggs in the nests of other bumble bees where the host species will care for her offspring. They have been documented parasitizing nests of Bombus impatiens and Bombus vagans.

Activity Period

Bombus citrinus emerges in late spring.

Commonly Used Flower

Cirsium, Eupatorium, Liatris, Solidago, Vernonia, Pycnanthemum

Conservation Status

Bombus citrinus is an IUCN species of least concern.


Laverty, T. M., & Harder, L. D. (1988). The bumble bees of eastern canada. The Canadian Entomologist, 120(11), 965-987.
Williams, P., Thorp, R., Richardson, L., & Colla, S. (2014). Bumble bees of North America : An identification guide. Princeton: Princeton University Press.